Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Joshua & Gabriel

Here are some pictures of the two siblings loving each other to death. Or at least Gabriel loving and Joshua just sitting there and taking the abuse.

This picture is Gabriel helping to bathe Joshua. For some reason he is never able to stare at the camera for more than 1.2 seconds. This results in many a picture with him looking elsewhere, like here...

Angel Swimming

This is my niece learning how to swim along with Gabriel.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Family Pictures

For those who did not know Gabriel when he was born, or don't remember, these websites have pictures of him at a few weeks and at six months.

This site has our most recent family pictures which shows just how much Joshua looks like Gabriel.

Swimming Lessons

As my first post I am posting a video from Gabriel's 5th swimming lesson where he is holding on to the ledge of the pool (for safety training) and showing some swimming abilities. It's amazing to think that he is already 2 years, 7 months, and 5 days old. Looking at Joshua (who looks just like Gabe) it feels like Gabe was just born.