Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I posted this on my facebook, but thought I would add it here for those not on my facebook. :) 

25 Random Things

1. I went to law school because I didn't have a job after college (even though I wrote about being a lawyer in my college application).  

2. My two boys were planned, and I can't believe it, but I am already talking about my next baby.  

3. I hate cleaning. I am organized to a degree, but I hate cleaning. This makes it a little harder to live with a super clean obsessed man. But only a little.  

4. I finished college in 2.5 years. Now I regret finishing so fast.  

5. Although I grew up in the church, it took a random conversation with a friend after college to set me on the path to salvation.  

6. I wear glasses and I'm blind without them.  

7. I sometimes wonder if I have what it takes to be a big firm lawyer. I don't think so, but I wonder.  

8. I love John Grisham and I've read almost every one of his books (all the legal thrillers). The endings lately are getting a little so-so, but I will continue to buy and read all of his books.  

9. I usually end up buying a book on the road while on vacation as its the only time now that I have to sit and read a whole book.  

10. My husband is amazed at the speed at which I read books.  

11. February 6 is my 11 year anniversary of being with my husband. That's over a third of my life. :0 (37.9% of my life to be exact)  

12. I played soccer in high school. I tried out for soccer in college and quit after 3 days.  

13. I miss being able to just get up and go do something. Now everything involves a babysitter or kids in tow and lots of planning for meal times, nap times, etc.  

14. I can't wait to throw myself a big party for my 30. I'm not particular about my age.  

15. I still sometime think or say "When I grow UP". Not as much lately since having two degrees, a husband, and two children usually means you are officially a grown up. I don't believe it though.  

16. I will take any excuse for a vacation. Work conference = vacation. Julian's job trip = vacation. It doesn't always work, but I will think it as my first thought regardless.  

17. I enjoy swimming yet I can count on my two hands the times I've been in the pool in my complex and the one before this.  

18. I love hearts. My engagement ring is a heart and that was the only requirement I gave Julian about buying my ring. (Not size, color, clarity, just make sure it's a heart.)  

19. I am still obsessed with Winnie the Pooh. Both of my boys have more Pooh clothes than anyone I know and I still buy random Pooh things.  

20. I love Disney World. I find it expensive and extravagant but I will never turn down an opportunity to go. I also dream of staying in the Cinderella castle and have imagined what it looks like inside now that guests are allowed to "win a night".  

21. My best friend that I tell everything to lives in Arizona. I wish she would move back to Miami, but it's a veeerrrryyy long shot. (Love you Faith!)  

22. I am always amazed at how good at EVERYTHING my husband is. And I do mean everything. I have yet to find something he cannot do, or will do poorly.  

23. I miss working outside the home a little. Even though I am doing some cases on my own, it's nice to feel needed in an office.  

24. Julian and I love to travel and I've been to over 10 countries since we met.  

25. I hope my children will come to know the Lord early and avoid themselves the aggravation that comes from not knowing him. I pray my dad, my sister, and my inlaws also see the light soon.

1 comment:

Faith said...

I miss you & love you! I really enjoyed reading your list.